Saturday, June 15, 2019

Photomontage: Image Hijack Part 2

For this Photomontage assignment, I chose the issue of the rising costs in medical care. I took the advice of my classmate, and chose Martin Shkreli for my well-known image, the focus of the project. The rising costs of medical continue to have a great effect on the American economy. There have been many high-profile situations over the last couple of decades regarding the deep pockets of insurance company executives and pharmaceutical companies. Martin Shkreli was most known for cavalierly hiking the price of an HIV drug, and then subsequently being convicted of securities fraud in 2017. Shkreli represents the greed that pharmaceutical companies oftentimes are guilty of, and later lost all of his assets due to his conviction. The image that was created is a well-known photo of Martin Shkreli, that was modified to close his eyes and make him appear to be dead. Meanwhile, he rests his head upon a pillow of 100 dollar bills, that served no purpose as you can’t take your money with you when you die, and he is surrounded by medical bills that are to elude to the cause of his death.

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